The Time Travelers Wife

What is the movie really about
The movie, Time Travelers Wife, is actually an adaptation of the book with the same title written by Audrey Niffenegger and published by the MacAdamCage publishers in 2003 (Niffenegger, 2003). The lead characters of the story are Clare Abshire, played by Rachel Adams, and, Henry De Tamble played by Eric Bana (Internet Movie Database, 2010). The movie and the novel revolved around the same story which is basically grounded on the couples journey as they deal with a life that is plagued by the constant spontaneous disappearances of the husband, Henry (Internet Movie Database, 2010). In order to further illustrate the story of the movie, it will be necessary to look into the plot from which the movie and the novel were based.
Henry De Tamble, born in 1975, is a one of the first patients that was diagnosed with the genetic disorder, Chrono-Displacement disorder (Niffenegger, 2003). This medical abnormality allows him to travel through time and witness the events that are yet to unfold in the life of his loved ones and even himself (BookRags, Inc., 2010). Fortunately, this disorder has permitted him to meet his future wife prior to their actual formal rendezvous (Internet Movie Database, 2010). The lady that is being discussed here is Clare Abshire, a lady that lived all her life with the belief that someone is meant to stay with her and accept her the way she is for the rest of her life (BookRags, Inc., 2010). Luckily, this belief of Miss Abshire was fulfilled when Henry has fallen madly in love with her from their very first meeting when Clare was only six and Henry was already 31 (Internet Movie Database, 2010). Through Clares life, Henry was always there to monitor the things that unveil in her journey to maturity, to check the status of his future lifetime partner and to assure him of the safety of the woman he loves (Internet Movie Database, 2010).

Consequently, the two finally met when Clare was already finished with her studies and when Henry was already a librarian in Chicago. As expected, the lifelong search for love and comfort was fulfilled when they have finally united as a couple (Niffenegger, 2003). However, the best parts of the movie came after the wedding when it was revealed that Henry has continuously travelled through time without the simplest warning to his wife, an event which really placed their marriage in a very unstable state (Niffenegger, 2003). But despite of the challenges, the couple is determined to fight for their love and win over the challenges that are imposed to them by the rare genetic disorder of Henry (Niffenegger, 2003). Hence, the Time Travelers Wife is about the story of love and its associated struggles in order to maintain and preserve the romantic bond that the couple has originally felt from each other regardless of the presence of uncontrollable obstacles and other hindrances (Niffenegger, 2003).  

Is there a moral to the story, a theme to be explored, or comment to think about
By analysis, it can be inferred that a number of themes, morals, and comments can be explored from the story of the Time Travelers Wife. One of the most prominent in the list is the theme of life companionship as depicted by the consistent presence of Henry in the life of Clare which enabled him to know the lady in a very detailed manner even before they have actually met (BookRags, Inc., 2010). This theme of the movie intensified the idea that strong marital relationships must be built not precisely on long term relationships but on the in depth knowledge of each couple on the life and works of his or her partner (BookRags, Inc., 2010). Life companionship in the movie has showcased that the detailed knowledge of ones partner can translate into the detection of the similarities and differences of the members of the couple, a substrate which when properly explored is inherent in building strong marital bonds.

Another moral of the story deals with the issue of faith, hope, and love. Clich as it may sound, but these three factors were really the central theme of the movie because these are manifested by the couple when they have continued to be loyal to the other despite the unexpected disappearances of the husband. Moreover, it was shown in the movie that Clare repeatedly had miscarriages as a function of the time travelling capability of their offspring, an event which have aggravated the already pressing issue of Henrys time travelling (BookRags, Inc., 2010). However, the presence of the three aforementioned factors has proven to the viewers that no problem can rattle a well-bonded marital relationship. Lastly, one of the most obvious theme of the movie is about the waiting, physical and emotional waiting for the person that is meant to take part with your life. In the movie, waiting was endured both by Clare and Henry where the former waited for the right man to come her way while the latter waited for Clare to finally be ready to accept him as her husband.

What is the point of the movie
Hence, it can be said that the general point or position that was shown in the story describes the eagerness of a couple to hold on to each other regardless of the gravity of the obstacles that are imposed on them. After seeing the movie, viewers are left with the message that genuine feelings of love, trust, and unity between a man and a woman are always sufficient to build a long-lasting relationship that can surpass any impending difficulty. In like manner, the movie has redefined the term stand the test of time because it was clear in the story of Clare and Henry that time was really not on their side (Niffenegger, 2003). Time was actually the factor that continuously separated the two and has placed their relationship in shaky situations. However, time should still be perceived as a vital element in the story because it was the very same factor which has brought Henry and Clare to each other. In general, the Time Travelers Wife is a movie that inspires viewers to never lose hope and continue to believe that their better half will come their way at the right time.


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