Scene in the Living Environment of an Unknown Character

The location somewhere in midtown Manhattan. The place the character lives in is large and spacious, the original owner obviously did not build this with a home in mind it is a space better-suited as an office or a small warehouse. The large metal double doors are slightly ajar and the murmurings of conversation can be heard floating through.

Upon entering the doors, to the far right there is a metal staircase leading to a small loft. Along the railing is a long and high shelf, filled with various random objects some of these are rows of books, a few cookie jars, a mother cat with a new litter of kittens, a pile of receipts, a wig, a couple of hats, a camera, a can of paint, even a mummified foot and a human skull. There are two large closets with clothes spilling out of them, a few stray jackets and shirts are draped on the railing. Beside the bed is a nightstand, on the top of which rests a pad with barely legible scribbling, a pen, and a pair of tinted glasses. In the large and simple bed, nestled in dark red sheets, the character sleeps soundly.

Directly below the loft, around the edges of it, hangs a heavy black curtain, effectively sealing off a room. Where the curtain parts a red light bulbs hangs, right now it is turned off. In front of the doors is a makeshift living room, a grouping of red velvet furniture with large soft-looking cushions. On one couch sits a man with slicked-back hair, and he is talking closely with the petite girl with big hair that is sitting on his lap. On another seat is a small man wearing a suit and sunglasses, smoking a cigarette and absentmindedly stroking the cat on his lap. The small black and white coffee table in the middle is covered in ashtrays, half-empty glasses, and Polaroid pictures. Hanging from the ceiling above is a chandelier made from pieces of Coca Cola bottles.

Further inside, around the glass-and-metal dinner table, three other people are immersed in conversation, one of them leaning back on his chair playing a guitar. On the wall to the left of them is a white marble kitchen counter, with the sink discolored by bright hued stains. There are no dishes in the metal dish rack beside the sink only glasses and black, white and red painted coffee mugs. On and around the counter, and beside the three people at the table are piles of boxes of canned soup with two cats playing among the boxes.

Separating the rest of the apartment from the area at the very back of it is literally a wall of pictures. Hundreds of Polaroid, black-and-white, brightly-colored, blown-up, framed pictures cover the divider a few pictures of everyday people, but most of the hundreds are glamour and candid shots of movie stars.
In the back area, sunlight streams brightly through the large open French-style window on the far wall, and falls on an easel and the polished concrete floor. The window seems to be a relatively newer installation as the bright red paint of the window frame contrasts with the faded white of the walls. It also seems a little crooked, and closer inspection of the frame shows the workmanship to be rather shoddy, as if someone had taken a sledgehammer and just made a hole big enough for the frame to fit into. The window sill is wide enough for a person to sit on, and it seems that someone does just that as beside a sleeping cat there is a faded spot on the sill and it is decorated with coffee cup stains and a couple of stray cigarette butts.

On the corner of this closed-off area are boxes of canned soup, and a large pile of taped-up cardboard boxes on the top of the latter is an opened box full of vinyl records. The rest of the space of the back area is taken up by art. Brightly-painted canvases are haphazardly leaning on the walls, strewn on the floor, and hanging on the walls. A disassembled yellow scooter, and a few half-finished sculptures are scattered around the paintings. Cans of vivid (almost neon) colored paint, rags, and paintbrushes are on the floor beside and on top of a paint-stained table. Also on the table and taped on the walls are sketches of myriad subjects, from cartoonish everyday objects to celebrities. On the stool in front of the sunlit easel, a cat yawns and stretches before going back to sleep.


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